The Kodiak Arts Council is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, founded in 1963, with a mission to create opportunities for the people of Kodiak to experience and participate in the arts. We seek to improve the quality of life in Kodiak through our major programs:
Performing Arts Series bringing high quality performance art to the island.
Sum'Arts for Kids program providing affordable arts instruction to young people in a variety of arts disciplines.
Member Organization program supporting the creative work of eleven community arts groups.
Arts Education work with the Kodiak Island Borough School District supporting professional learning in the arts for educators and teaching artists, and arts residencies in local schools.
Visual Arts opportunities through exhibits, First Friday Art Walks and Individual Artist Awards.
The offices of the Kodiak Arts Council are located within the Gerald C. Wilson Auditorium. Office hours are Tuesday - Friday from 11 am to 5 pm. The office is closed on Mondays during August.